CPSO Dialogue
Enhancing Medical Regulation
Dr. Ian Preyra
Enhancing Medical Regulation
Dr. Ian Preyra, Board Chair, discusses governance initiatives, presents highlights from September Board meeting.

September 2024
Reading Time 3 min.
Board Chair

The launch of the public register next month is the exciting culmination of CPSO’s hard work and collaboration. I’d like to congratulate Dr. Nancy Whitmore and her team for developing a public register that is intuitive, informative and cyber resilient.   


I’m also proud of the work the Board did as part of the by-law refresh that supported a public register that is so fit for purpose. The changes we have adopted ensure that we post accurate and relevant information, such as revocation of hospital privileges, Canadian criminal charges, and convictions.   


I would particularly like to highlight the by-law changes that we have made related to governance, because our ability to fulfill our mandate will be significantly enhanced through the modernization of our governance practices. 

Our ability to fulfill our mandate will be significantly enhanced through the modernization of our governance practices.

Earlier this year, we identified the collective skills, professional backgrounds, and lived experiences desirable in Board Directors to effectively oversee the medical profession. The development of this Board Profile is key to our new competency-based election model, which will take effect in 2025. Moving forward, candidates who apply for election to the Board will need to show that they have the identified competencies, skills, and diversity attributes needed to complement the Board’s skills mix. The goal is to achieve a balanced Board composed of qualified directors who also reflect the diversity of Ontario’s population and the practice of medicine.     


The governance changes also support a shift from a district-based election model to province-wide elections. A regular election will be held annually for approximately one-third of the elected Board seats, with elected directors serving three-year terms. Under this model, all registrants are eligible to vote for any of the candidates in every election.    


As we gear up for the 2025 election, we will be providing you with more information about both the candidate application process and the voting format.   


Below, you will see the action items from our most recent Board meeting. All these efforts contribute to a strong, resilient College.

Ian Preyra

Board Chair

Board Highlights Infographic Transcript



Board approved the new Essentials of Medical Professionalism, which replaces the Practice Guide

New policies approved include Professional Behaviour and Infection Prevention and Control for Clinical Office Practice.

Policy opened for consultation: Consent to Treatment.

Public Register

CPSO’s newly built public register launches October 16.


Board approved a new route to accept physicians who completed ACGME-accredited U.S. osteopathic residency training and have obtained board certification.

Quality Improvement

Over 7,500 physicians completed CPSO’s Quality Improvement (QI) Program as of August 2024.

2024 Target - 6,500 physicians

Board approved an expansion of CPSO’s QI Enhanced Program: Physicians aged 75-79 who are due for a Quality Assurance peer assessment now have the option to participate in the QI Enhanced Program.


Time to complete complaints remains under our target of 150 days for the eleventh consecutive month.  

58% of cases closed with early resolution, including Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR).

Government Relations 

Government approved regulations to welcome Physician Assistants as CPSO registrants effective April 1, 2025.  


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