By-law Change Reflects Adverse Event Standard Reporting Timeline

An anaesthesiologist treating a patient

Council has proposed by-law amendments to align with the recently approved Out-of-Hospital Premises (OHPs) Program Standards.

To ensure OHPs are operating safely and effectively, the OHP Inspection Program (OHPIP) inspects all facilities performing procedures requiring the use of anesthesia or sedation. The Program also enforces a set of standards, outlining the core requirements that must be met when performing these procedures in OHPs.

New standards approved by Council at its June meeting include details regarding the inspection regime and sets out specific standards in relation to, for example, infection-prevention and control, quality assurance, and adverse event reporting.

The new Adverse Event Standard captures expectations for adverse events reporting and the update includes a change in the reporting timeline — from 24 hours to five business days.

The by-law was updated at the September meeting of Council so it aligns with the Adverse Event Standard. It is now being circulated for comment.

The highlighted text denotes changes.

Proposed Amendment of General By-law

Notification Required by Members



(b) Every member who performs a procedure in a premises subject to inspection under Part XI of Ontario Regulation 114/94 shall report to the College, in writing or electronically as specified by the College, within 24 hours five business days of learning of any of the following events:

(i) dDeath within the premises;

(ii) dDeath within 10 ten days of a procedure performed at the premises;

(iii) aAny procedure performed on wrong patient, site, or side; or

(iv) tTransfer of a patient from the premises directly to a hospital for care.

Please provide comments at [email protected].