Should I Respond to a Negative Online Review?

Reading time: 3 minutes The short answer is “No.” There are several good reasons not to engage. Read more about how to re-frame this upsetting situation as a positive experience for you and your practice.

Privacy Principles to Guide Artificial Intelligence Use  

Reading time: 2 minutes Artificial intelligence is transforming every aspect of our lives. Provincial and federal privacy authorities have developed a set of principles to mitigate its risk to our privacy.

Minimizing Risk of a Privacy Breach 

Reading time: 3 minutes The Ontario Information and Privacy Commissioner now has the discretion to issue administrative monetary penalties as part of its enforcement powers.

Post-Graduate Training Reflected on Public Register 

Reading time: 2 minutes A by-law, now circulating, seeks to post Ontario post-graduate training on the public register for registrants only while they hold a post-graduate certificate of registration. 

Time to Renew Your Certificate of Registration Online 

Reading time: < 1 minute Beginning Monday, April 8, you can complete your Annual Registration Renewal on the portal. Good news – this is the sixth consecutive year that the annual fee remains unchanged.

Committee Referral No Longer Required for Two More Registration Policies

Reading time: < 1 minute Applicants who satisfy the qualifications in two recently approved registration policies could see the processing of their applications reduced by weeks because of a recent decision.

CPSO’s Modernization of Governance Changed Through By-law

Reading time: 5 minutes Council continues with its initiative to modernize governance through a refresh of its by-laws. The most recent changes include a new election model and updated governance terminology.

Updated Expectations in Medical Assistance in Dying Policy

Reading time: 2 minutes The Board has updated expectations and advice for physicians who provide medical assistance in dying (MAID).

Professionalism and Your Practice

Reading time: 2 minutes It’s been 17 years since we developed our key resource on professionalism. Your input is needed as we update it to reflect the core values and duties that reflect the current practice of medicine.

Social Prescribing

Reading time: 7 minutes The link between health status and the social conditions in which we live have long been known. What’s new is the push to make social interventions a routine part of health care.

When Behaviour is a Barrier to Collaboration, Quality Care

Reading time: 2 minutes Unprofessional behaviour can hinder collaboration and affect patient care. Let us know what you think of our draft policy.

Board Approves Physician Assistant Regulations 

Reading time: 2 minutes CPSO is one step closer to regulating Ontario’s Physician Assistants (PAs) after the Board approved regulatory amendments. Next step? Government approval and enactment.