Reporting Requirements Policy Out for Consultation 

Reading time: 2 minutes We want your feedback on one of CPSO’s most accessed policies, Mandatory and Permissive Reporting.

Small Changes, Big Efficiencies

Reading time: 2 minutes Dr. Ryan Banach, a Toronto family physician, discusses how making small changes to how you organize your practice can realize big efficiencies in workflow.

Using AI Scribes in Your Practice

Reading time: 3 minutes As tools that can capture your conversations with patients, digital scribes address a common pain point. But important considerations must always be kept in mind.

Building a Culture of Compassion Through Peer Support 

Reading time: 3 minutes A newly launched program developed by the OMA’s Physician Health Program is facilitating peer support connections between doctors.

New Pathways for Physicians Trained in Osteopathic Medicine 

Reading time: 2 minutes As a result of changes in accreditation, the Board is proposing to allow more physicians trained in osteopathic medicine in the United States a licensure route into Ontario.

The Between Times

Reading time: 4 minutes An expert in artificial intelligence (AI) in health care refers to the present as “The Between Times,” the period between envisioning what is possible with AI and its widespread adoption.

Dialogue in Transition

Reading time: 2 minutes Farewell to print Dialogue and hello to providing important regulatory updates for you and your practice in a more dynamic digital format. This issue of Dialogue will be the last in print.

Don’t Fall into a Cognitive Trap 

Reading time: 7 minutes Mental shortcuts can be efficient, but they aren’t always accurate. For the sake of patient well-being, it’s important to understand the nature of cognitive biases and how to mitigate them. 

Advice Clarifies Responsibility for Ordering of Tests

Reading time: < 1 minute Following inquiries from physicians, CPSO has updated its advice in the Managing Tests policy to clarify who has responsibility for the ordering of tests in certain situations.

Preventing the Transmission of Communicable Diseases 

Reading time: < 1 minute Consultation is underway for a new draft policy intended to help physicians working in clinical offices keep up to date on Infection Prevention and Control best practices.

Managing Conflicts of Interest

Reading time: 3 minutes An updated policy has been approved to help physicians navigate their interactions with industry and manage conflicts of interest that could impact patient and public trust.

Exploring Misconceptions about CPSO

Reading time: 4 minutes Our medical advisors take the opportunity to explore some persistent myths about the College and describe how it compares with their own experience of working at CPSO.