Reflecting the College’s EDI Work in Policy

Reading time: 3 minutes Dr. Janet van Vlymen writes about how the EDI work being done at the College is reflected in a policy built around human rights and accessibility legislation.

‘In Dialogue’ Episode 6: Dr. Chase Everett McMurren

Reading time: 2 minutes Dr. Chase McMurren, a family doctor and nâtawihôwêw (medicine man) talks about non-traditional approaches to medical education and patient care, specifically Indigenous methods of healing; and cultural humility.

Being a True Ally

Reading time: 14 minutes Allyship begins by examining the structures and hierarchies that govern medical culture and then working collectively to dismantle them — ultimately helping us all.

Building Capacity for Gender-Affirming Care

Reading time: 11 minutes Meet the health care professionals providing gender-affirming care to their patients, filling the gap while the broader system catches up.

CPSO’s Commitment to Learning, Unlearning

Reading time: 8 minutes EDI Lead Dr. Saroo Sharda discusses how CPSO has begun to look at its processes, policies and decisions through an anti-oppression lens.

‘In Dialogue’ Episode 4: Dr. Alex Abramovich, PhD

Reading time: 2 minutes Dr. Alex Abramovich, a scientist and researcher, talks about 2SLGBTQ+ health and youth homelessness; creating an inclusive and affirming health care setting; and the mental health effects of the pandemic on an already marginalized population.

‘In Dialogue’ Episode 3: Toba Balogun

Reading time: 2 minutes Toba Balogun, a medical student at UofT, talks about being a minority physician-in-training, his volunteer work, and the importance of allyship and cultural humility in health care.

‘In Dialogue’ Episode 2: Dr. Janet van Vlymen

Reading time: 2 minutes 2022 CPSO Council President Dr. Janet van Vlymen talks about her road to leadership and goals for her one-year term, the importance of quality improvement, ongoing efforts to ease physician burnout, and the College’s role in medical education.

A Time for Recovery… and Continued Resilience

Reading time: 3 minutes As 2022 unfolds, many things remain uncertain. What is clear, however, is a continued need for vigilance and resilience, writes College CEO and Registrar Dr. Nancy Whitmore.

What do Disability Biases Look Like in Practice?

Reading time: 13 minutes Doctors can provide exemplary care, but also aren’t immune from biases. How do biases play out when it comes to patient experiences and care?

Examining the Root Causes of Ableism

Reading time: 7 minutes Assumptions are often made about people with disabilities. These include thinking that disabilities are a deviation from the norm, and people with disabilities want to be “fixed.”

The Importance of Human Connection

Reading time: 3 minutes Dr. Nancy Whitmore reflects on the importance of choosing connection during this harrowing time and the CPSO’s initiatives in Equity, Diversity and Inclusion.