The following are highlights of the December Board meeting.

Accessible Summary
Board Highlights Infographic Transcript
Ontario Physician Supply
As a result of changes made to registration policies and pathways, CPSO has registered an additional 388 physicians since April.
- 153 Family Physicians (CFPC Certification)
- 235 Specialists (U.S. Board-Certified)
Modernization Through By-law
As part of CPSO’s modernization efforts, we have conducted a comprehensive review and rewrite of our by-laws with the goal of improving clarity, and ensuring a strong, resilient governance model.
First Phase – Revising by-laws related to public register and registrant information - Approved at September Board Meeting. The by-laws will go into effect in the Fall of 2024, with the launch of a new public register.
Second Phase – Revising by-laws related to Election Model, Governance Terminology, Council, and Committee Eligibility - Approved at December Board Meeting
Key Changes include:
- The first Province-Wide Election will be held in Spring 2025.
- New Terminology: Board of Directors instead of Council; Board Chair instead of President; Vice-Board Chair instead of Vice-President; Directors instead of Council Members/Councillors
- By-law review is now complete
Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) – Approved
Professional Behaviour – Open for Consultation
Principles of Medical Professionalism – Open for Consultation
Physician Assistants (PA)
Regulatory Amendments for Oversight - Approved
Application fee of $300 and a renewal fee of $425 for PA registration – Approved
The next step is government enactment
Quality Improvement (QI)
More than 5,500 physicians completed CPSO’s Quality Improvement Program (QI) 2023, surpassing the target of 5,000
Hospitals continue to join the Quality Improvement Partnership Program. Eighty percent of Ontario physicians are currently involved or have completed one of our QI programs.
We have reduced the number of days to complete an investigation. Our target was 150 days, and as of October/November, we had reduced the number of days to complete an investigation to 146 days.
There is no Fee Increase for sixth Consecutive Year