CPSO Dialogue
New Election Format for Board Directors Takes Effect
Portrait of CPSO board chair Dr.Sarah Reid sitting in her living room.
Image: Laura Kelly
New Election Format for Board Directors Takes Effect
Voting takes place April 4-25, 2025.

March 2025
Reading Time 3 min.

As Chair of the CPSO Board for 2025, I am excited to engage with the Board of Directors as we advance our important regulatory work in the public interest. One of the most significant projects moving forward this year is our modernized election process. 


As you know, CPSO has been actively transforming our governance over the past few years – and this spring, our work will culminate in the inaugural province-wide election for physician Board Directors. Last year, we developed a Board Profile that articulates the skills, experiences and competencies needed to achieve our goal of a balanced Board composed of qualified Directors who reflect the diversity of Ontario’s population and the practice of medicine. Applying this lens to our election process helps us implement governance best practice and moves us “from good to great.” 


Physician engagement with the new election model has been excellent. Having received applications from physicians across the province interested in standing for election, the Governance and Nominating Committee selected those individuals whose skills and attributes aligned with the needs identified in a gap analysis using our Board Profile. Just before voting opens next month, you will receive information about the slate of nominees for the five Board vacancies with a link to their nominee statements, followed by an email from BigPulse Voting Systems containing your ballot. Our new province-wide model is not restricted by district or geography; therefore, all eligible Ontario physicians can vote. 


Voting will take place from April 4 to April 25, 2025. If you do not see the ballot in your inbox on April 4, please check your junk or spam folder or contact GovSupport@cpso.on.ca for help. If you are unsure whether you are eligible to vote, please read the criteria in section 3.6 of our By-laws.  

I encourage you to take time out from your busy schedules to vote for our five new CPSO Board Directors. Profession-led medical regulation in Ontario benefits greatly from your participation and I thank you for your commitment to your patients and your work. 

Board Highlights Infographic Transcript

At its March meeting, CPSO approved a new Consent to Treatment policy. After the meeting, two preliminary consultations were launched on two current policies – Delegation of Controlled Acts and Boundary Violations.


In February 2025, two new registration pathways were approved: 

  • Pathway to supervised practice for internationally trained specialists registered in the RCPSC’s Practice Eligibility Route
  • Pathway to an Independent Practice certificate for U.S. Board-certified doctors who have practised continuously in Ontario for 5 years under a restricted certificate  

The Registrar reminded Eligible U.S. Board-certified doctors that they can obtain a certificate of registration without CFPC/RCPSC certification.

Two by-law amendments were approved. They establish the information to be included in the Physician Assistant (PA) Register and set fees for the Class Certification of registration for PAs.


Incorporating feedback and lessons learned during the first Quality Improvement (QI) Program cycle, a pilot for the newest QI Program cycle was launched. The pilot results will inform the second 5-year cycle of the QI program for the years 2026-2030. The piloted format will allow physicians to complete at least three of 10 different QI activities.

We are exceeding the target of our key performance indicator in relation to the time it takes to complete complaints, both public complaints and Registrar's Investigations. Our target is 150 days (80th Percentile) and as of February 28th, we were completing investigations in 126 days. 


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