Over the College’s long history, by-laws have been developed and modified. As part of CPSO’s project to modernize governance, it is conducting a comprehensive review and rewrite of its by-laws with the goal of improving clarity, simplifying the language and achieving a more modernized set of by-laws by end of 2023.
By-law modernization is a large project that will be done in sections throughout the year. At its March meeting, Council focused on the first section of the by-law review process — revising the by-laws that relate to what information is displayed publicly on the register. The red text denotes the changes proposed (the ordering and numbering of the provisions have also changed, but are not tracked here to allow for easier reading). All of the following proposed revisions were presented to Council through a series of numbered by-laws, which can be found in the March 2023 Council materials along with further information about the revisions. The goal is to reduce redundancies and duplications among the different sources of authorities: the Health Professions Procedural Code (the Code), regulations under the Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) and CPSO by-laws.
None of the proposed changes will see information previously deemed private become public.
CPSO by-laws also require members to report or provide certain information to the College, much of which is posted on the register. As such, the by-laws that pertain to member reports to the College are being considered together with the register by-laws in CPSO’s review.
The proposed by-law changes are available for review. Please email feedback@cpso.on.ca to provide comment.