CPSO Dialogue
‘In Dialogue’ Episode 21: Providing Compassionate and Equitable Care to Unhoused Patients
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‘In Dialogue’ Episode 21: Providing Compassionate and Equitable Care to Unhoused Patients
Dr. Claire Bodkin and Marcie McIlveen discuss providing safe opioid supply and support to people who are living with addictions and substance use in addition to facing challenges with housin...

December 2023
Reading Time 69 min.

In episode 21 of “In Dialogue,” Dr. Saroo Sharda, CPSO medical advisor and EDI lead interviews Dr. Claire Bodkin, family physician and addictions medicine specialist and Marcie McIlveen, program director of the Hamilton Social Medicine Response Team (HAMSMaRT). Dr. Bodkin and Marcie provide safe opioid supply and support to people who are living with addictions and substance use in addition to facing challenges with housing and shelter.

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Dr. Bodkin is co-medical director of the Hamilton Social Medicine Response Team (HAMSMaRT). Her medical practice includes care for people who use drugs in hospital and the community and she has a full scope generalist practice as a locum in rural and remote communities. Dr. Bodkin is also an assistant clinical professor at McMaster University, where she focuses on the health of people who use drugs.

Marcie McIlveen is a person with many years of lived experience with homelessness, hospitalization, mental health/substance use, and criminal justice involvement. Her commitment to this work and to change centres around her experiences. She finds it both honouring and humbling to have the opportunity to walk alongside people as they chart their own paths.

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Interview with Dr. Claire Bodkin and Marcie McIlveen


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