Please note: Dialogue will implement the new governance terminology approved at the December, 2023 Board of Directors' meeting. The following terms have changed: Board of Directors (the Board) replaces Council, Board Chair replaces President, Board Vice-Chair replaces Vice-President, Director replaces Council Members/Councillor, and Annual Organizational Meeting replaces Annual General Meeting.

Latest Articles

Succession Planning will Help Prevent Abandoned Records

Reading time: 2 minutes The Information and Privacy Commissioner has set out some steps to help health-care custodians keep the health information of their patients private and safe.

Closing a Medical Practice

Reading time: 2 minutes What steps can a physician take when closing his or her practice in order to minimize the impact on patients? Read about our new policy.

The Benefits of Participation

Reading time: 7 minutes We invite you to contribute your knowledge, skills and expertise to keep medical regulation healthy and thriving. In fact, we currently have opportunities available on several committees.
And if you are unsure about whether a particular committee is a good fit for you, read what some current committee members have to say about what they enjoy about the committees that they sit on.

How Do You Measure Hope?

Reading time: 8 minutes In the First Nations opioids epidemic, progress comes when addressing root causes and driving meaningful outcomes.

Continuity of Care

Reading time: 7 minutes With your help, we have developed expectations that address continuity of care issues. These expectations better reflect the realities of practice, while retaining important requirements of the profession that further our goal of ensuring patient safety.

When your Rostered Patient Seeks Care Elsewhere

Reading time: 2 minutes Has your rostered patient sought care elsewhere? It can be frustrating, but don’t react in anger. Instead communicate with your patient to ensure that they understand the obligations within a rostered relationship.

One Issue Per Visit Strategy Could Pose a Safety Risk

Reading time: 3 minutes Restricting your patient to addressing one-issue per visit can pose a risk. It requires patients to triage their own health issues – something many patients are not capable of doing.

Communication Lessons from a TV Doctor

Reading time: 5 minutes The Alan Alda Center for Communicating Science has developed a series of workshops and programs taught at medical schools.

Strategic Plan 2020-2025

Reading time: < 1 minute The College has set the direction for the years 2020-2025 with a new strategic plan.

Approval of Premises Needed Before Services Provided to Patients

Reading time: 3 minutes Physicians are reminded that they can only perform procedures using certain types of anesthesia, including nerve blocks, in a non-hospital site if the premises has first been approved by the College.

Reducing the Risk of Receiving a Complaint

Reading time: 3 minutes Dr. Akbar Panju, a Vice Chair of the Inquiries, Complaints and Reports Committee, provides some advice for reducing the likelihood of receiving a complaint from a patient.

The Patient Perspective Needs to be Heard at the Planning Table

Reading time: 2 minutes The unique knowledge and experiences of patients and families must be incorporated into how health-care policies, programs and decisions are designed and implemented, said Julie Drury, chair of the province’s Patient and Family Advisory Council.