Please note: Dialogue will implement the new governance terminology approved at the December, 2023 Board of Directors' meeting. The following terms have changed: Board of Directors (the Board) replaces Council, Board Chair replaces President, Board Vice-Chair replaces Vice-President, Director replaces Council Members/Councillor, and Annual Organizational Meeting replaces Annual General Meeting.

Latest Articles

The Dynamo of Kirkland Lake

Reading time: 4 minutes He may be Toronto-born and bred, but Council Award recipient Dr. Mark Spiller says building a life and a medical practice in Kirkland Lake was one of the best moves of his life. His grateful patients are quick to agree.

A Fierce Advocate for her Patients

Reading time: 5 minutes Dr. Marie Gear, a recently retired family physician from Teeswater, Ontario, is honoured for her years of dedication to her patients and her community.

Pediatric Rheumatologist Honoured with Council Award

Reading time: 4 minutes Dr. Rayfel Schneider, an international leader in pediatric rheumatology, is presented with a Council Award for his clinical excellence and scientific contributions.

Opioid Prescribing

Reading time: 6 minutes Dr. Steve Bodley, past president of the CPSO, discusses legacy patients, guidelines and the importance of patient buy-in.

For Smart Medicine, Choose Wisely

Reading time: 4 minutes Many tests, treatments and procedures may be unnecessary. Open dialogues with patients never are. Discuss with your patients why a particular test might not be in their best interest.

Peers Helping Peers

Reading time: 8 minutes Caring for patients with opioid addiction and chronic pain can be challenging in the context of a family practice. However, help is available.

How to Treat Stigma

Reading time: 8 minutes The Mental Health Commission of Canada has reported that many people with mental health problems experience some of the most deeply felt stigma from front-line health-care professionals. We take a closer look in our Doc Talk Column.

Women in Medicine

Reading time: 5 minutes The number of female physicians will outnumber their male counterparts by 2030, projects a College report that has analyzed physician demographics in Ontario.

Close Up – Chief Medical Advisor

Reading time: 5 minutes Dr. Sheila Laredo is leading the College’s team of Medical Advisors, a group of doctors who have become more tightly integrated in the work of the College. We spoke to Dr. Laredo about how she and her team members are being used to best effect within medical regulation.

A Sensitive, Deliberate Approach to Draping

Reading time: 3 minutes A new video demonstrates proper draping and gowning techniques in order to minimize misunderstandings between physician and patient.

Giving Physicians the Tools They Need

Reading time: 5 minutes Several health system agencies have developed initiatives that give physicians the access to information they need in order to make informed, rational prescribing decisions. We profile several of the initiatives here.

Keeping Cool When Patients Get Hot

Reading time: 7 minutes Violent episodes are a big problem in healthcare settings. In a world where code whites are increasingly common, how do you crack the code to reduce or prevent incidents of aggressive or violent behaviour?